Nasolabial folds can appear with age, and can be reduced with natural hyaluronic acid fillers.
Nasolabial fold filling must be accompanied by an aesthetic assessment of the face to obtain a result in line with the patient's expectations.
In practice:
Injection is performed using a non-traumatic cannula with a rounded tip, enabling filling of the nasolabial fold with a single injection point.
For best results, it is sometimes necessary to fill in the cheekbones simultaneously when they are hypotrophic.
Subcutaneous fatty tissue plays a major role in shaping the appearance of the nasolabial fold. As we age, ptosis of the nasolabial segment, the superficial adipocutaneous system, comes up against the nasolabial fold, the structural transition zone between subcutaneous tissues and the musculocutaneous insertion of the lip lift muscle system. This same groove remains fixed. Thus retained, the soft tissues form a nasolabial fold that makes the underlying nasolabial fold more pronounced.
Age marker fascicles accentuate the nasolabial fold. Hypertonicity of the zygomatic ascend the furrow, accentuating the process in the lateral 2/3. The levator alaeque nasi and labii superioris accentuate the process in the inner 1/3, responsible for the triangular depression at the outer end of the nostril wing.
Facial expressions, smiles, chewing As the face ages, expression lines such as the nasolabial fold appear. While this wrinkle is very common, the depth of the nasolabial fold can vary from person to person.
This wrinkle is also known as the "smile wrinkle".
To combat the appearance of smile lines, it's important to look after your skin and make sure it's perfectly hydrated. But once they've appeared, only aesthetic medicine can help you remove them with effective, natural results.
The nasolabial fold, also known as the "bitterness wrinkle", is one of patients' primary concerns. It accounts for 47 % of injectable procedures. Injections of dermal fillers can smooth out these wrinkles that make us look a little sad.
The nasolabial fold is a wrinkle that extends from the bridge of the nose to the corner of the lip. It deepens with age and the numerous contractions of facial muscles. It can also worsen with weight loss.
The onset is due to atrophy of the malar soft tissues, bone atrophy in the cheekbone and cheek area, and ptosis (drooping) of the malar fat (fat found in the cheekbone area).
We use hyaluronic acid, which is the most widely used product for filling nasolabial folds.
The surgeon injects a volumizing hyaluronic acid into the dermis and subdermis to create a supportive mattress.
A single injection is all it takes to achieve a good result.
When the cutaneous break is not very marked, a superficial injection of hyaluronic acid is sufficient to remove the wrinkle very satisfactorily.
When the furrow is very deep and sunken, the first step is to restore malar melt by raising the cheekbone with very dense hyaluronic acid, then injecting the product into the furrow itself. This technique produces a very natural-looking rejuvenation of the face.
The harmonious distribution of the product means that not everything is concentrated on the nasolabial fold, revealing a puffy, over-injected face.
As hyaluronic acid is a resorbable product, you'll need to plan a new injection after around 12 months. Which is not necessarily a bad thing.
Biocompatible and biodegradable, hyaluronic acid is a non-allergenic product: it is very well tolerated by the body. Injected under wrinkles, it restores radiance and improves skin texture. Contrary to popular belief, injections are painless and do not require anesthesia. After a hyaluronic acid injection, some redness and microedema may appear.
Over time, the face evolves. A resorbable product makes it possible to adapt injections as the face changes. The result is a more natural, non-fixed appearance.